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Enterprise Features2024-03-18T17:08:54+00:00

Keep growing your business… Without feature limits

No more endless upgrades to the overpriced “Enterprise” Plans.

Reach your customers on their preferred channel

Predict & Anticipate

Instant Sales & Revenue Forecast
Easily manage recurring revenue and multiple payments, and anticipate your upcoming sales and revenue with real-time accurate forecasting.

Never miss your sales Quotas!
Our visual sales pipeline and pipeline gap dial hepls you focus on your deals pipeline and not only on your sales booked.

Take Data-driven business decisions

Making reports unique to your business in 4 clicks!

With 200+ key reports ready for you, UPilot gives you the clear picture you need to predict, anticipate and grow.

Every business has specific needs. Build your custom reports in UPilot, we support you in the process!

Reach your customers on their preferred channel
Reach your customers on their preferred channel

Full Control on Permissions & Data Visibility

Give Power Without Losing Control
Your team members need different levels of access based on their roles—be it sales, marketing, or management.

Get top-down control on visibility and permissions via the Role-Based Access panel, from UPilot.

Multiple Team and Hierarchy

Build Teams, Not Silos
Structure is the framework of your business. You’ve got cross-functional teams, different projects, and a chain of command—all essential in your growth machine.

Do not let this critical feature be hidden under the ‘enterprise’ umbrella. Can you really afford that inefficiency?

Reach your customers on their preferred channel

Key features ≠ Enterprise Plan!

Legacy CRMs overcharge Forecasting features as they know you will ultimately need them. Don’t fall in the trap!

Book a demo

Our Plans

Take Off
The Climb
Custom Reporting
Role-based Access
Multiple teams
Reach your customers on their preferred channel

Manage complex deals

Your business is unique. So are your needs… UPilot fully adapts to your sales process.

UPilot is used by companies to manage hundreds of millions in revenue, which means for a fast-growing company, we have all features built-in for scalability without huge implementation costs and complexity.

Recurring revenue & Multiple payments

Set up personalized email campaigns, automate follow-up tasks, and track

eSignature & doc sharing

E-Signatures ensure the security and integrity of your docs, letting you focus on what truly matters — closing deals.

Conversation Intelligence

Harness AI for in-depth call analysis. Track key terms and generate detailed reports from your team’s conversations.

Multiple currencies

In today’s world multiple currencies should not be an enterprise feature. Can your business truly go global without it?

Reach your customers on their preferred channel
Audit Logs

Building and maintaining trust leading to growth

Think of audit logs as the black box of your business operations—a detailed account of what went right or wrong. Whether you’re complying with regulations, diagnosing issues, or simply keeping track of internal actions, audit logs add a layer of transparency and accountability.

In a world where one wrong move can trigger a domino effect, not having access to this crucial feature—because it’s labelled ‘enterprise’—is like sailing without a compass.

If you are facing any of this concerns, UPilot is made for you.

Do you delay upgrading your CRM for that one feature you know you need, but can’t afford?

Have you ever wondered why some features are called “enterprise features” but even a small team has to pay a heavy price to access them?

Have you upgraded a plan only to realise that there is another feature you need hidden behind the next paywall?

Do you feel you are having a patchwork of products for your team and each one is slowly pulling you towards their enterprise plans?

We can help you…

Request Demo

For us, it’s really useful to have these reports related to our campaigns to make the information more accessible to our sales team.”